Age: 54
Family: Husband, father, grandfather
Education: Certificate in IT computer networking.
Current occupation: Volunteer
Top priorities: Transparency and accountability
Note: Randolph is a write-in candidate

Age: 34
Family: Husband, Zeb Hargis
Education: University of Southern Indiana
Current occupation: Community Enrichment Officer at Independence Bank
Top Priority: The most pressing issue for the city commission is the hiring of a new city manager. This a critical appointment that will play a key role in shaping Henderson’s trajectory in the coming years. Given the current timeline, it is likely that hiring a new city manager will decided by the current commission but there is also a possibility it could be the first order of business for the incoming commission-and arguably the most important. This decision will set the tone for Henderson’s future, making it a top priority. It will be imperative the new commission make the transition smooth and cohesive to ensure a successful outcome for the city.

Age: 62
Family: Wife, Liz; Son, Quinn; Daughter-in-law, Kacie Peters; Granddaughter, Lucy
Education: Western Kentucky University, Bachelor of Arts, 1985
Occupation: Owner of Rookie’s and On Deck
Top priority: If elected, my top priority will be to keep the positive momentum that has been created these past few years. Our city and county officials, department heads, economic development, tourist commission, chamber of commerce and nonprofits are all working toward making Henderson the best city in the country. We have accomplished so much, but there is still much more we can improve. I hope to see us continue this path.

Age: 66
Family: Wife, Marlene; 2 adult sons, 2 grandchildren.
Education: University of Kentucky, BS in Civil Engineering; MBA from Murray State
Current Occupation: Retired (Working part-time on projects for a few clients)
Top Priority: Continued community development, in all facets of that phrase. We’ve been on a roll with lots of new jobs, and I was proud to have a key role in bringing Pratt Paper here, but growth of our existing industries and businesses is the real key to our future success. I want us to broaden our infrastructure renewal efforts; paving, sidewalks and shared-use trails, and water, sewer, gas, broadband, and electric system improvements. Commissioners set the tone for all those efforts.

Age: 65
Family: Wife, Lillie; two children, Breasha and Robert “Noland”
Education: Carpentry certificate, Electrical certificate
Occupation: Henderson City Commissioner and Real estate investor
Top priority: Ensuring that Henderson continues to be a great city to live in and raise a family. I take immense pride in being a part of a city government that, for two consecutive terms, has successfully reduced taxes. One of my enduring goals is to provide our children with a safe, vibrant environment to grow up in, which is why the development of the sports complex holds such importance to me. Lastly, I am deeply committed to ensuring that our government operates efficiently, takin only what is necessary to function, and leaving the rest of citizens and their families.

Age: 67
Family: Wife, Jeanne; Children, Katie (deceased), Kristin and Abigail; Five grandchildren
Education: Bachelor’s Western Kentucky University, commissioned there as 2nd Lieutenant, US Army, Intelligence Officer; Military education includes Defense Intelligence College, Command and General Staff College, and a Master’s from the Army War College
Occupation: United States Army, retired
Top Priority: Understanding the city’s budget process and rationality in full transparency. How are we funding the various projects from inception to implementation? This is in regard to the multi-million-dollar projects with a special interest in the city’s plans to sustain these projects for their 10, 20, or 30-plus year life expectancy. Also concerned about illicit drug trade and overdoses and being vigilant on I-69 impact to our employers and employees along 41 North.

Age: 37
Family: Married with three kids (11- and 4-year-old girls and a 1-year-old son)
Education: University of Kentucky (2010); Law School, University of Louisville (2014)
Current Occupation: Trust Legal Counsel/Wealth Specialty Asset Manager, Old National Bank
Top Priority: Continue the momentum over the last few years by continuing to improve our economy while also investing in areas of our community that have long been overlooked.
Mark your calendar for 5:30 p.m., Oct. 23 at the Henderson County Public Library when the Henderson Chamber of Commerce hosts a city commission forum. The Hendersonian will moderate.