This month, the big news came when Republican gubernatorial candidate Daniel Cameron named Henderson state Sen. Robby Mills as his running mate for lieutenant governor. We covered the July 19 afternoon press conference when the pair came to the Henderson Municipal Center after the announcement earlier in the day in Frankfort. We also have a profile of Mills, a longtime Henderson political figure whose legislation often riles more liberal Kentuckians.
Also this month we welcome the work of Tyler Orsburn, a Henderson native who spent weeks in town visiting his mother, Flavia, in Henderson, and father, Mike, in Evansville. He left Aug. 1 for El Salvador, where he joined his wife and two sons who moved there in June. Tyler worked as a photographer and videographer for the Catholic News Service in Washington, D.C., for many years, and he’s a real pro. I think you’ll see the difference his work makes in the visuals and aesthetics of the Hendersonian. No doubt we’ll miss him next month, but we’ve learned a bunch and hope to use that to continue to make our product better.
Longtime reporter Chuck Stinnett has written a story this month for the Hendersonian. Check out his contribution about The Imperial, the condo-style apartment complex in downtown Henderson. He joins his wife, Donna, who again shares her talents, this time in an article about Phil Rowland, a Henderson man who for years has picked up trash along the U.S. 60-East roadside for no other reason than he wants to help.
And there’s a whole lot more. So, pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit back and read about your town and county.
Vince Tweddell