Brenda Beck, In memory of Lois Chandler and Jesse and Lil Craig: $50
Anonymous: $200
Ladies Night Out L.C.R. Group: $120
From the Vowels and Head descendants: $200
In memory of Curtis Harmon: $50
Pittsburg Tank and Tower Accounting Department, Andrea, Tammy, Rachel, Lori, Gig, Aimee, Shalyn, Angele: $190
Anonymous, In memory of Phillip R. Tapp: $200
Rego Cruse: $50
Delores Gatlin, In memory of Terry Gatlin: $100
James and Pamela Robards, For Dixie Blue: $50
Pamela and Patrick Horn, In memory of Earl and Betty Peckenpaugh: $100
Charles S. Johnson, III: $200
In memory of Curtis Harmon: $50
In memory of Alice Lee and Carolyn Keach: $200
Bill Stevens: $20
Linda and Timothy Hart: $25
Total as of Dec. 19: $17,783
To donate, send checks to Henderson Goodfellows, PO Box 1711, Henderson, KY 42419. Or, checks can also be sent to the City of Henderson, P.O. Box 716, Henderson, KY 42419. Checks can also be dropped off at the city building bill payment area. For more information or to volunteer, call Pendergraft at 270-860-7780.