A spring tradition in Henderson will return on March 12 with the Lenten Lunch Series presented by the Henderson Ministerial Association.
For five Wednesdays during Lent, various churches will host a noon service followed by a light lunch hosted by the church.
On Maundy Thursday, the service will be hosted at Community Baptist Church.
On Good Friday, the Stations of the Cross service will be hosted at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church.
Though there is no fee for lunch, an offering will be taken for the Ministerial Association’s Good Samaritan Fund.
On Easter Sunday, a 6:30 a.m. Sunrise Service is planned at Greater Norris Chapel Baptist Church.
Here’s the schedule for the Lenten Series with the location(s) of the week:
- Wednesday, March 12: First Christian Church, 830 S. Green St.
- Wednesday, March 19: Presbyterian Church of Henderson, 100 S. Main St.
- Wednesday, March 26: First United Methodist Church, Third & Green streets (entry under portico along Green St.)
- Wednesday, April 2: Bennett Memorial United Methodist Church, 503 Letcher St.
- Wednesday, April 9: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 5 S. Green St.
- Thursday, April 17, Maundy Thursday: Community Baptist Church, 1026 Pebble Creek Drive
- Friday, April 18, Good Friday: Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, 511 Second St.
- Sunday, April 20, Easter: Sunrise Service, 6:30 a.m., Greater Norris Chapel Baptist Church, 937 Washington St.