A couple days before the annual Goodfellows Christmas party on Dec. 17, Richard Pendergraft was a guest on the local radio station, WSON, and told of the plight of the group reaching its $35,000 goal.
It appeared that they wouldn’t, he said.
He said the group was still about $11,000 short.
On par with the Christmas season, a mysterious man with a white beard came to see Pendergraft and turned over a check for $11,000.
Pendergraft said the man didn’t want anyone to know who gave it.
“Just tell them an old man with a white beard,” Pendergraft said the man told him and then he snuck away.
Last Donor list of the season:
- Givens International Drilling $200
- In memory of Randy and Freeda Powell—Bonnie Baggerly $200
- Women’s Night Mission Group of Community Baptist $100
- Local Post Office Carriers NALC 410 $250
- For Mom-Ellen Hutson from Paula (Susie) McManus $1
- In Memory of EC, Lora, Shirley & Claude Alderson from Eleanor Alderson
- Anonymous $100
- Better late than never $100
- Robards Christian Church $50
- David & Patty Sellers $25
- Mr. and Mrs. Judson Royster $100
- A very generous donation from a “Man with a white beard” for $11,000