There are many misconceptions when it comes to hospice care. Many people believe individuals on hospice care must be home bound, bed bound, or on their last days of life. However, this is the furthest thing from the truth. Hospice care is simply another level of healthcare for those with terminal illnesses. Hospice does not limit any activity an individual wishes to do, in fact, we encourage our patients to do things they enjoy; go outside, go shopping, go out to eat, even take a vacation!
St. Anthony’s mission is to increase the quality and dignity of life for our patients and families. We advocate for our patients to live life to the fullest and pursue anything they are able to do. If a hospice patient is able and wishes to go on a vacation with their family, we assist in making it happen, and ensure hospice care can be provided at their destination.
If you are in need of hospice care, don’t let another day go by. We can help! We want our patients to live better, and have the quality of life they deserve. Call us today for any questions or for an evaluation!