Soon, the Hendersonian will begin holding back content from non-subscribers. On select articles, all readers will be able to read the first three or four paragraphs, but only subscribers will be able to read the article in full. The good news for all of you subscribers is that you will only need to log in to your account for continued access to everything on the Hendersonian’s website.
If you know your username (or email address) and password, no problem. Just go to the “Login” link on the website.
But perhaps you haven’t used your username and password since you subscribed to the Hendersonian and have forgotten them. In that case, you can go to the “Manage subscription” link at the bottom of the e-newsletter to reset your password. You can also go to the “Login” link on the Hendersonian’s website.
We’ve contacted the Henderson County Public Library, which has agreed to assist anybody who is having difficulty in logging in or resetting passwords. You can call them at 270-826-3712.
Restricting content from non-subscribers is the next step in growing this business, and in turn, providing more and better coverage. A recent analytics report showed that the Hendersonian’s website received 25,000 unique visitors last month. Articles continually get 6,000 or 8,000 or 10,000 readers. But we have nowhere near that amount of subscribers.
We look at it this way: You wouldn’t walk into a pizza parlor and leave a pizza in hand without paying. We work hard to produce our product. It’s a good product and it’s worth $6 a month.
The content restriction will occur in local articles, for the most part. Stories that contain information deemed as needed public service, however, will remain open to all. Examples of these types of articles include when the city of Henderson set the date for limb pick-up or an article about preparing for inclement weather. We will also leave open the state stories we pull from the Kentucky Lantern as is requested of from that website.
With more subscribers and more revenue, the product will get even better. Our goal is to hire full-time reporters to provide more coverage which means more information, more connectivity and a stronger community.
Thank you for your support!