Former executive director Tammy Sutton on six-month leave
The Aububon Kids Zone Executive Director Tammy Sutton is on a six-month leave of absence, according to AKZ Board President Ellen Redding.
Redding said Kace Campbell has been named interim executive director.
Redding said she couldn’t comment about Sutton’s leave because of employer-employee confidentiality.
When contacted by the Hendersonian, Sutton did not comment on the reasons for the leave, but she did express her love for the East End.
“I loved working with the neighbors and the kids on the East End, and hope they continue their empowerment to the lives they want,” she said.
Redding said that AKZ will undergo a restructuring process for the next six months. A job ad will be posted for the executive director position around the new year, she said.
Redding said AKZ has been growing at a quick pace, and part of the restructuring will look at getting “fundamental components” in place before continued growth. For instance, she said AKZ currently sends employees to South Heights Elementary to give some students extra help.
Getting that program streamlined is something that needs to occur before it expands to other elementary schools in the county, which is a goal, she said.
Redding also said AKZ and the city of Henderson leaders need to pinpoint what their relationship is.
Since the beginning of the city’s Inner City Improvement Plan last year, the city has relied heavily on assistance from AKZ, a primary neighborhood focal point in the East End. At the end of last year’s Inner City Improvement Plan, 18 different projects in the neighborhood were scheduled to occur. Five of those, according to an article in the Hendersonian, were in the process of being completed through AKZ.
Redding said AKZ needs a better understanding of “what role we play” in city of Henderson initiatives in the East End.