The Henderson City Commission heard funding recommendations totaling $109,000 for local nonprofit organizations at Tuesday’s regular meeting. (See list of recommendations at the bottom of this page)
This year, as the Henderson County Fiscal Court is doing, the process of awarding funding was facilitated through the United Way of Henderson County. Interested organizations applied on the UW webpage.
Also like the county, the city set $150,000 as the amount it would give. There was, however, a $7,500 fee that went to the UW, leaving $142,500 to give.
The recommendations were completed by a 12-person team made up of community members and government officials.
The preliminary list totals $109,000 of recommended funding. There’s also $18,500 included that is designated as discretionary.
“These are all just recommendations,” said Jack Brewer, who chaired the 12-person team. “You all can tweak and do as you see fit.”
There were 29 organizations that made requests totaling $301,815, according to documentation that was presented at the meeting.
City Attorney Dawn Kelsey said the current numbers are only recommendations.
“We have not approved funding yet,” she said.
That will occur in July when the city commission approves individual funding agreements with each organization, she said.
Kelsey also said she first must obtain the organizations’ applications to determine if they met the city’s requirements and regulations of “what we can and cannot fund.”
Brewer said the recommended awards were intended for organizations requesting funding of projects supporting the community. Organizations that requested funding to pay for operational costs, such as paying utilities, were not granted, he said.
Organizations that receive funding must after six months report back to the city about what the award was spent on, said Melissa Clements, the executive director of the United Way of Henderson County.
organizations. The organizations would need to apply though a United Way portal found on the UW website.
Below is a list of the recommended allocations.