Entries for the 21st-annual “The Art of Well Being” exhibit are due Thursday, Aug. 22, from 10 a.m.. to 4 p.m. at First United Methodist Church in downtown Henderson.
The open exhibit features artwork in which artists are invited to interpret the theme “well-being.”
It will be on exhibit at First UMC in The Gathering Area from Sept. 8-28. An artists’ reception, concert and awards ceremony is scheduled for 3 p.m. Sept. 8.
The juror of awards for the exhibit, which offers a top prize for $600 and a total of $3,400 in awards, is Corliss Chastain, an art educator at University of Evansville and director of the UE Art Galleries.
Entries for the exhibit should not be created prior to 2020.
Photography, jewelry, crafts or digital artwork are not eligible. Other rules can be found on the syllabus available for download at HendersonFirstUMC.org/Resources. To drop off entries, enter the large doors under the portico off the parking lot near Second and Green streets.