Niagara residents voted to go wet in Tuesday’s primary election.
Voting on the local option question, “Are you in favor of the sale of alcoholic beverages in the Niagara precinct (B109), of Henderson County, KY?,” almost 70% were in favor of being able to pick up a six-pack at the local convenience store.
One-hundred and sixty-five voted ‘yes,’ while 75 voted ‘no.’
That settles what had been a murky question as local records from different sources show that Niagara was already wet, though the state Alcohol Beverage Control had listed the community as dry.
The only other races on Tuesday’s ballot were the Democratic and Republican primary elections. On the Democratic side, President Joe Biden won handily, and for the Republicans, former President Donald Trump easily won, as expected.
County election officials said there was a 9.54% voter turnout for the local primary. The low turnout was expected, though, because the local card “didn’t have a whole lot on the ballot,” said Henderson County Clerk Renesa Abner.
The general election in November, however, should produce a far greater turnout.
In addition to the presidential election, local voters will pick four commissioners for the Henderson Board of Commissioners. There will also be elections for the Henderson County School Board, Robards City Commission and Corydon City Council. And there will be two state Constitutional amendment changes on the ballot, one dealing with school vouchers and the other providing that only United States citizens can vote in Kentucky elections.