No wrecks on the roundabouts
The first weekend that the Second Street roundabouts were open to traffic yielded no accidents or injuries.
Henderson Police Department Sgt. Bill Russell, the department’s public information officer, confirmed there had been no accidents in or around the roundabouts over the weekend.
Mindy Peterson, spokesperson for I-69 Ohio River Crossing, said the same in an email. She said she’s not aware of any incidents, and the ORX team hasn’t heard of concerns from drivers.
The two roundabouts on the west side of U.S. 41 (the future I-69) were opened in temporary configuration Saturday for traffic, Peterson said. The inside lanes of both roundabouts remained closed as workers continue to finish construction on the inner pieces of them.
Peterson said the roundabouts now with the outside lanes open to drivers will offer a time of adjustment to drivers.
She offered tips to help drivers adjust:
• Drivers in the roundabouts have the right of way
• Drivers approaching the roundabouts will yield to any traffic in the roundabouts.
• Drivers approaching the roundabouts should pause and watch for a gap in traffic to safely enter the roundabout.
WEHT/WTVW employees want to unionize
Employees at WEHT/WTVW announced Monday their intention to form a union with the National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians.
About 70% of the employees who work in the news department, production department and creative service have declared support for the move, said a release.
Those supporting the union said that without their “daily dedication, the product that is sold by WEHT/WTVW would not be able to continue with present levels of precision and professionalism.”
The release said unionizing will improve the workplace environment and personal lives of employees.
“Both the mental/emotional health and financial security of our members are important,” said the release. “We are dedicated to upholding the principles of fair labor practices, journalistic integrity, and the well-being of media professionals. We believe that collective bargaining and union membership are essential in achieving these goals.”
Supporters have signed union cards and are ready to hold an election, and they have asked management to recognize the majority support for this decision, the release said.
OVAL art sale Friday at Gallery 101
An art sale featuring the work of at least a dozen artists is set for this Friday, Aug. 2, at Gallery 101.
Presented by Ohio Valley Art League, this summer sale that previously has been held at a different venue is called “Art On The River” and will offer artwork of many genres available for purchase.
On its promotional material, OVAL notes that it is an opportunity to support local artists.
The “Art On The River” sale will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Gallery 101 is located at 101 N. Water Street on the river. The gallery shares the building with Henderson Tourist Commission.