The Henderson County Public Library’s newest addition packs the entire library on four wheels—and it’s soon to be cruising city and county roads.
“Everything we offer in the building we are going to be able to offer on the road,” said library Director Shannon Sandefur.
Saturday morning, HCPL unveiled its new bookmobile, which like the rest of the library, offers convenience and technology.
Unlike the old bookmobile, which Sandefur had been used in a different capacity before its 2007 acquisition, the new model was built specifically for its purpose—to be a bookmobile.
The $269,000-machine includes a wheelchair ramp, holds a wide variety of materials, includes two staff desks and a PA system to play music, an awning to provide shade, WIFI accessibility and—a reprieve from the elements—air conditioning and heat, Sandefur said.
“This is a state-of-the-art bookmobile,” she said.
She said the need for a new bookmobile was on her radar even when she was going on a tour during her interview process, when she was told that the library really needs a new bookmobile.
Sandefur encouraged organizations and the public to call and ask for the bookmobile to visit.